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PhD or Postdoctoral Positions, European research project in Belgium

We invite applications for PhD or post-doctoral positions financedby the European research project ROLE (on Responsive Open LearningEnvironments, http://www.role-project.

مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://www.stellarnet.eu/ -

We invite applications for PhD or post-doctoral positions financed
by the European research project ROLE (on Responsive Open Learning
Environments, http://www.role-project.eu)
and the network of excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning STELLAR (http://www.stellarnet.eu/).

- The focus of the research of the first open position is on attention
metadata: these describe user interactions with a diverse set of applications
and web resources. The basic goal is to gather and process attention metadata
in unobtrusive ways, so as to better understand and support the actions and
goals of the end user across different applications. In a first phase, the
research will focus on the domain of technology-enhanced learning. Typical
applications would be a personal or shared dashboard, or a recommender service.

- The focus of the research for the second open position is to
develop and validate prototypes of highly responsive technology-enhanced
learning environments, offering breakthrough levels of effectiveness,
flexibility, user-control and mass-individualization. In this project, we play
a significant role in the development of technical specifications that are the
basis for enabling the interoperability and personalized mashup of learning

Funding is available immediately. The research will be carried out
at the Department of Computer Science at the K.U.Leuven, in close collaboration
with many of the leading research units on Technology Enhanced Learning in
Europe and worldwide.

The candidate has the following profile:

a) A degree in Computer Science, Informatics or equivalent with a minimum grade
of cum laude

b) Interest in technology enhanced learning and metadata.

Because the successful candidate will work as a member of a project
group, team spirit is indispensable.

More information about the financial compensation can be found
at http://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/verloningspakket.html
(Dutch) or http://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/welcome.html

لینک مرتبط 1 : http://www.stellarnet.eu/
   چهار شنبه 22 اسفند 1403    
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