بانک اطلاعاتی علوم پزشکی | | 2815 بار مشاهده | درج شده توسط مدیریت سایت
PhD or Postdoctoral Positions, European research project in BelgiumWe invite applications for PhD or post-doctoral positions financedby the European research project ROLE (on Responsive Open LearningEnvironments, http://www.role-project.
مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://www.stellarnet.eu/ -
We invite applications for PhD or post-doctoral positions financed - The focus of the research of the first open position is on attention - The focus of the research for the second open position is to Funding is available immediately. The research will be carried out The candidate has the following profile: Because the successful candidate will work as a member of a project More information about the financial compensation can be found لینک مرتبط 1 : http://www.stellarnet.eu/ |
دسته بندی موضوعی اخبار
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جستجو در محتويات سايت
دریافت خبرنامه روزانه
اگر مایل به دریافت خبرنامه در ایمیل خود بدون عضویت در سایت هستید