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مولف کتاب : Shawn Wildermuth
ناشر کتاب : Microsoft Press
0735625638 : ISBN
مشخصات : زبان انگلیسی | فرمت PDF | قیمت مجانی | حجم کتاب 0 کیلو بایت
مجتمع متخصصین ایران - Development. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based onfinal exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and customizable testing options. It also provides real-world scenarios, case study examples, and troubleshooting labs for the skills andexpertise you can apply to the job. Focusing on ADO.NET application development, this official study guide covers connecting to data sources, selecting and querying data, modifying and synchronizing data, working with disconnected data, and using theEntity Framework. Work at your own pace through the lessons and lab exercises. Then assess yourselrosesing 300+ practice and review questions on the CD, featuring multiple, customizable testing options to meet your specific needs. Choose timed oruntimed testing mode, generate random tests, or focus on discrete objectives. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers including pointers back to the book for further study. You also get an evaluation version of Visual Studio(r) 2008software and an exam discount voucher making this kit an exceptional value and a great career investment.
ISBN: 0735625638, Author: Shawn Wildermuth, Publisher: Microsoft Press, Pages: 512, Publication Date: 2009-03-25
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