بانک اطلاعاتی فنی و مهندسی -> برق | 5/2/1393 | 357 بار دانلود | درج شده توسط سجاد عبادی
مجتمع متخصصین ایران - Abstract— In this paper, Due to the importance of High Impedance Surfaces (HIS), first two known structures of HIS, sievenpiper mushroom without via and with via with the same dimension of substrate and the ground plate for better comparison with our results simulated and the model considered in this paper, designed, and then compare with the considered structure and we saw the results between 2GHz to 3GHz. This structure was designed with inspiration from nature and structure of spider web, changing the thickness of strings and outer holder string can shift zero-phase to an acceptable amount and also can achieve a desired bandwidth at the low frequencies.
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