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1st International Conference on Concrete Technologyحوزه(هاي) تحت پوشش: مهندسي سازه, مهندسي عمران (عمومي) تاريخ برگزاري: 15 آبان 1388 تا 16 آبان 1388 برگزار کننده: مركز ملي مقاوم سازي (شاخه شمالغرب)محل برگزاري: تبريزتاریخ‌های مهم:مهلت ارسال چکیده: 1388/2/25 اعلام نتایج داوری چکیده مقالات: 1388/3/1 مهلت ارسال اصل مقاله: 1388/6/25 دریافت نسخه نهایی مقالات: 1388/7/10 اعلام نتایج داوری اصل مقاله: 1388/7/1 مهلت ثبت نام: 1388/7/15 The conference scope includes but is not limited to:Rehabilitation and retrofitting of concrete structuresMaintenance issues Repair materials and techniques Strengthening and rehabilitation Historical structures Earthquake resistant design of reinforced concrete Buildings Experimental study on seismic performance Retrofitting measures Energy dissipation devices High-performance seismic systems High performance concreteHigh workability concrete Self compacting concrete (SCC) Foamed concrete Lightweight concrete No-fines concrete Pumped concrete Sprayed concrete Waterproof concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete Ultra-High-Strength Fibre-Reinforced Impact Resistant Concrete Self Consolidating Concrete Concrete in FireFire engineering and whole building performance From prescriptive to performance-based fire design Concrete fire performance vindicated Spalling and its preventative measures Sustainability and durabilitySustainable Drainage System and Floods Modern Methods of Construction Recycling Cement Replacements Durability aspects Concrete Constructions in architectureCase studies and inventive projects The architecture in developing countries Analytical models and computer simulationMulti-scale modelling of concrete Modelling of deterioration & steel corrosion Modelling creep and shrinkage behaviour Numerical modelling of early age behaviour in concrete Numerical modelling of textile and FRP reinforced concrete Coupled filed thermal-stress analysis of concrete Numerical modelling of durability performance Ductile fibre reinforced cementitious composites Concrete pre-stressed with textile fabric Engineered cementitious composites High-performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites Assessment, monitoring and environmental aspectNon destructive testing Environmental performance evaluation Performance specifications Evaluation of Damage & Deterioration of Structures Design Methods Considering Environmental Performance Concrete materials and chemical admixturesEffectiveness of admixtures Industry requirements and dispensing methods Application considerations and compatibility Standards and specificationsRecent development Construction Issues Quality assurance Inspection and certification practices Analysis and Design Issues اطلاعات تماس با دبیرخانه: تلفن دبيرخانه: 0411-5565094 فکس دبيرخانه: 0411-5572282 ایمیل: [email protected] وب‌سایت: http://icsr.

مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از خبرگزاری مجمع متخصصین ایران -
1st International Conference on Concrete Technology
حوزه(هاي) تحت پوشش: مهندسي سازه, مهندسي عمران (عمومي)
تاريخ برگزاري: 15 آبان 1388 تا 16 آبان 1388
برگزار کننده: مركز ملي مقاوم سازي (شاخه شمالغرب)
محل برگزاري: تبريز

تاریخ‌های مهم:
مهلت ارسال چکیده: 1388/2/25
اعلام نتایج داوری چکیده مقالات: 1388/3/1
مهلت ارسال اصل مقاله: 1388/6/25
دریافت نسخه نهایی مقالات: 1388/7/10
اعلام نتایج داوری اصل مقاله: 1388/7/1
مهلت ثبت نام: 1388/7/15

The conference scope includes but is not limited to:

Rehabilitation and retrofitting of concrete structures
Maintenance issues
Repair materials and techniques
Strengthening and rehabilitation
Historical structures
Earthquake resistant design of reinforced concrete Buildings
Experimental study on seismic performance
Retrofitting measures
Energy dissipation devices

High-performance seismic systems
High performance concrete
High workability concrete
Self compacting concrete (SCC)
Foamed concrete
Lightweight concrete
No-fines concrete
Pumped concrete
Sprayed concrete
Waterproof concrete
Autoclaved aerated concrete
Ultra-High-Strength Fibre-Reinforced
Impact Resistant Concrete
Self Consolidating Concrete

Concrete in Fire
Fire engineering and whole building performance
From prescriptive to performance-based fire design
Concrete fire performance vindicated
Spalling and its preventative measures

Sustainability and durability
Sustainable Drainage System and Floods
Modern Methods of Construction
Cement Replacements
Durability aspects

Concrete Constructions in architecture
Case studies and inventive projects
The architecture in developing countries

Analytical models and computer simulation
Multi-scale modelling of concrete
Modelling of deterioration & steel corrosion
Modelling creep and shrinkage behaviour
Numerical modelling of early age behaviour in concrete
Numerical modelling of textile and FRP reinforced concrete
Coupled filed thermal-stress analysis of concrete
Numerical modelling of durability performance

Ductile fibre reinforced cementitious composites
Concrete pre-stressed with textile fabric
Engineered cementitious composites
High-performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites

Assessment, monitoring and environmental aspect
Non destructive testing
Environmental performance evaluation
Performance specifications
Evaluation of Damage & Deterioration of Structures
Design Methods Considering Environmental Performance

Concrete materials and chemical admixtures
Effectiveness of admixtures
Industry requirements and dispensing methods
Application considerations and compatibility

Standards and specifications
Recent development
Construction Issues
Quality assurance
Inspection and certification practices
Analysis and Design Issues

اطلاعات تماس با دبیرخانه:
تلفن دبيرخانه: 0411-5565094
فکس دبيرخانه: 0411-5572282
ایمیل: [email protected]
وب‌سایت: http://icsr.ir

لینک مرتبط 1 : [email protected]
لینک مرتبط 2 : http://icsr.ir
   چهار شنبه 22 اسفند 1403    
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