بانک اطلاعاتی فنی و مهندسی | 27/2/1388 | 907 بار مشاهده | درج شده توسط مدیریت سایت
این همایش در تاریخ 1/1/1388 و به مدت 2 روز برگزار می گردد The First International ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systemsاطلاعات کنفرانس عنوان کنفرانس The FirstInternational ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems زمان و محل کنفرانس May 18, 2009 Greece تاریخهای مهم Begins May 18, 2009 Ends May20, 2009 معرفی کنفرانس Wireless communications are becoming increasinglypervasive, as the number and diffusion of portable wireless-equipped devicesis exponentially increasing (ranging from cellular phones to handheld gameconsole, from personal digital assistant and personal navigation devices tostill and video cameras). This results into an unprecedented request forlightweight, wireless communication devices with high usability andperformance able to support added-value services in a highly mobileenvironment - following the user everywhere he goes (at work, at home, whiletravelling, in a classroom, etc.
مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://www.mobilight.org/ -
لینک مرتبط 1 : http://www.mobilight.org/ |
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