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The 6th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing

اطلاعات کنفرانس عنوان کنفرانس The 6th IEEEInternational Conference on Autonomic Computing زمان و محل کنفرانس June 15, 2009   تاریخهای مهم Paper registration:11:59 EST, Jan 19, 2009 Full paper submission:11:59 EST, Jan 25, 2009 Workshop proposals: Sep 25, 2008 Demo/Exhibit proposals:Apr 1, 2009 Hot Topics submission:11:59 EST, March 20, 2009 Doctoral consortium:Apr 10, 2009 Author notification: Mar 9, 2009 Final manuscripts: Apr 06, 2009 Conference: Jun 15-19, 2009   معرفی کنفرانس To deal with the increasing complexity of large-scale computingsystems, computers and applications must learn to manage themselves inaccordance with high-level guidance from humans – a vision that has beenreferred to as autonomic computing.Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic computing requires scientific andtechnological advances in a wide variety of fields, as well as new softwareand system architectures that support the effective integration of theconstituent technologies.

مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://icac2009.acis.ufl.edu/ -

اطلاعات کنفرانس

عنوان کنفرانس

The 6th IEEE
International Conference on Autonomic Computing

زمان و محل کنفرانس

June 15, 2009


تاریخهای مهم

Paper registration:

11:59 EST, Jan 19, 2009

Full paper submission:

11:59 EST, Jan 25, 2009

Workshop proposals: Sep 25, 2008

Demo/Exhibit proposals:

Apr 1, 2009

Hot Topics submission:

11:59 EST, March 20, 2009

Doctoral consortium:Apr 10, 2009

Author notification: Mar 9, 2009

Final manuscripts: Apr 06, 2009

Conference: Jun 15-19, 2009


معرفی کنفرانس

To deal with the increasing complexity of large-scale computing
systems, computers and applications must learn to manage themselves in
accordance with high-level guidance from humans – a vision that has been
referred to as autonomic computing.
Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic computing requires scientific and
technological advances in a wide variety of fields, as well as new software
and system architectures that support the effective integration of the
constituent technologies.

آدرس سایت


لینک مرتبط 1 : http://icac2009.acis.ufl.edu/
   چهار شنبه 22 اسفند 1403    
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