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3rd International Congress of Nanobiotechnology & Nanomedicine 2009 on June 22- 24, 2009

اطلاعات کنفرانس عنوان کنفرانس 3rd InternationalCongress of Nanobiotechnology & Nanomedicine 2009 on June 22- 24, 2009 زمان و محل کنفرانس June 22, 2009 USA تاریخهای مهم Begins June 22, 2009 Ends June24, 2009 معرفی کنفرانس The International Association ofNanotechnology is holding the 3rd International Congress of Nanobiotechnology& Nanomedicine 2009 with the goal of fostering research, businesscollaboration and providing advanced education and training in the emergingof nanotechnology and clean technology worldwide for benefits of society آدرس سایت http://www.ianano.

مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://www.ianano.org/ -

اطلاعات کنفرانس

عنوان کنفرانس

3rd International
Congress of Nanobiotechnology & Nanomedicine 2009 on June 22- 24, 2009

زمان و محل کنفرانس

June 22, 2009


تاریخهای مهم

Begins June 22, 2009

Ends June
24, 2009

معرفی کنفرانس

The International Association of
Nanotechnology is holding the 3rd International Congress of Nanobiotechnology
& Nanomedicine 2009 with the goal of fostering research, business
collaboration and providing advanced education and training in the emerging
of nanotechnology and clean technology worldwide for benefits of society

آدرس سایت


لینک مرتبط 1 : http://www.ianano.org/
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