بانک اطلاعاتی فنی و مهندسی -> کامپیوتر | | 783 بار مشاهده | درج شده توسط مدیریت سایت
این همایش در تاریخ 1/1/1388 و به مدت -نامعلوم- برگزار می گردد International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems(WINSYS 2009)اطلاعات کنفرانس عنوان کنفرانس InternationalConference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems(WINSYS 2009) زمان و محل کنفرانس July 7, 2009 Italy تاریخهای مهم · Regular Paper Submission: March 10, 2009 (deadline expired) · › Author Notification: April 16, 2009 (deadline expired) · › Final Paper Submission and Registration: April30, 2009 (deadline expired) · · · › Position Paper Submission: April 6, 2009(deadline expired) · › Author Notification (position papers): April24, 2009 (deadline expired) · › Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: May 4, 2009 (deadline expired) معرفی کنفرانس The purpose of WINSYS 2009, theInternational Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, is tobring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested oninformation systems and applications in the context of wireless networks andmobile technologies.Information systems and information technology are pervasive in the wholecommunications field, which is quite vast, encompassing a large number ofresearch topics and applications: from practical issues to the more abstracttheoretical aspects of communication; from low level protocols to high-levelnetworking and applications; from wireless networking technologies to mobileinformation systems; many other topics are included in the scope of WINSYS.
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