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4th IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems

اطلاعات کنفرانس عنوان کنفرانس 4thIEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems زمان و محل کنفرانس June 20, 2009 Turkey تاریخهای مهم Mar. 31, 2009 Workshop paper submission due(Extended) April 15, 2009 Workshop paper notification (electronic) April 30, 2009All final manuscript and author pre-registration due معرفی کنفرانس Applying Semantic Technologies inResearch and Development of Distributed, Autonomous, Ontology-EnabledMulti-Agent Systems towards Harmonizing Humans, Computers, and Software inServices Environments.

مجتمع متخصصین ایران به نقل از http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2009/workshops/ESAS2009.html -

اطلاعات کنفرانس

عنوان کنفرانس

IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems

زمان و محل کنفرانس

June 20, 2009


تاریخهای مهم

Mar. 31, 2009 Workshop paper submission due(Extended)

April 15, 2009 Workshop paper notification (electronic) April 30, 2009
All final manuscript and author pre-registration due

معرفی کنفرانس

Applying Semantic Technologies in
Research and Development of Distributed, Autonomous, Ontology-Enabled
Multi-Agent Systems towards Harmonizing Humans, Computers, and Software in
Services Environments.

Semantic web technologies render dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed, shared
content equally accessible to human reader and software agents. Distributed
agents functioning autonomously can utilize semantic Web content to gather
and aggregate knowledge, reason and infer new results towards achieving their
goals and generating new knowledge. Such knowledge in turn may be
disseminated and used to achieve the shared goal of the agents system. Here
the vision is to achieve a synergy with multi-agent systems (MAS)
technologies whereby both semantics and agents will be equally in the center

آدرس سایت


لینک مرتبط 1 : http://conferences.computer.org/compsac/2009/workshops/ESAS2009.html
   چهار شنبه 22 اسفند 1403    
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